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Integrate Mango with Massive Dynamic to step up your sales game!

Growing agencies and top funnel-hackers choose Mango and save up to $3,000 per year with virtually no learning curve and easy-to-use features.

Mango has you covered!

 With Massive Dynamic theme create easy sales funnel.

Premium Plugin

Exclusive funnel bulider available with other awesome plugins.

Easy Intgration

Without hassle install Mango and set up a payment method.

Build funnels faster

With few clicks build your sales funnel to make more sales.

What make Massive Dynamic theme stand out

Massive Dynamic helps you create beautiful sites with One Click.


Easy to Create Pages

Super simple to create pages with Massive Dynamic theme

Select From 70+ Templates

You have massive choice to select templates in Massive Dynamic theme

Drag and Drop elements

Drag and drop elements or section to build your page

How Mango works with Massive Dynamic

Use Mango to rapidly increase your sales with Massive Dynamic


Easy Integration for Payment

Create Upsell or down-sell to make more profit with mango plugin.

Better and easy then other funnels

Mango is cheap and gives you full support in creating the best sales funnel.

Upsell and Downsell

With Mango, you can add Upsell and Downsell features to sell more product

Why Mango is better then other Sales Funnel?

From significantly lower costs to more flexibility here’s just a few reasons why Mango can do everything you need to build your next sales funnel.


Start Building Your Sales Funnel Right Now!

No learning curve

Mango is build on top of WordPress and requires no learning curve.

Easy to Use

Mango is simple to use, click to generate your sales checkout funnels.

Feature you need

You don’t need hours of training just to get a funnel set up.  

Lower costs

Mango delivers key features at a fraction of the cost of Clickfunnels.

What exactly is Mango?

Mango is a premium WordPress plugin designed to make it easy for you to create sales funnels that feature 1-click upsells. You can now easily accept payments and create subscriptions from your own WordPress site without complicated landing page software.

Will Mango work with my WordPress Site?

Yes, Mango is designed to work with any WordPress site.

Do you offer a free trial?

Yes, with all plans you get a 14-day trial, which should give you plenty of time to see if the product will work for you. Not enough? Just write and ask us for an extension.

To give you peace of mind, you may cancel your subscription at any time. Extensions are subject to a monthly or yearly license for support and updates.

What types of plans do you offer?

We offer both monthly and yearly plans. And with a yearly plan you save by getting 2 months for free. To get started, just follow this link.

Does Mango work with Stripe & Paypal?

We currently only support Stripe.

If there’s enough demand we may consider adding Paypal. Let us know if you’re interested in this integration by tweeting us at @moremangoapp.

Can I sync new customer data to my existing services (CRM, Email provider, etc.)?

You can synchronize new customer data to your existing services in a number of ways:

  1. We already created ready-made integrations, which you can see here: Get Extensions
  2. You can create your own custom webhook and select data you want to send via a special interface we’ve made available to you.
Need help?

If you’d like to report a bug or have ideas for how to improve the plugin, please send us a message by clicking here.

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